
メモ:Channa Horwitzというヴィジュアル・アーティストのSonakinatographyという方法論

Channa Horwitzというヴィジュアル・アーティストのSonakinatographyという方法論があるらしい。
(典拠はWeibel, Peter. 2019. “Sound as a medium of Art.” in Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art. MIT/ZKM Karlsruhe. 2019: 123.)

Channa Horwitz, Sonakinatography Movement #II Sheet B 1st Variation, 1969


Channa Horwitz, 'Sonakinatography, Composition III', with music by Sarah Angliss and choreography by Ellen Davis, 2016 from Raven Row on Vimeo.
Channa Horwitz, ‘Sonakinatography, Composition III’, with music by Sarah Angliss and choreography by Ellen Davis, 2016

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