
Our article is published in Leonardo Music Journal 27.

Our article about the developmental history of sound art in Japan is out now in Leonardo Music Journal 27.

NAKAGAWA Katsushi and KANEKO Tomotaro. 2017. "A Documentation of Sound Art in Japan: Sound Garden (1987–1994) and the Sound Art Exhibitions of 1980s Japan.” Leonardo Music Journal 27: 82-86.

It deals with the situation around the exhibition series Sound Garden (1987-94), a part of History of Sound Art in Japan.
I keep doing research on this subject including the comparative research with Sound Art in other Asian countries.
Please use this article as one of the references telling what NAKAGAWA Katsushi is going to do research on.

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サウンド・ガーデン展関連の論文が『Leonardo Music Journal』誌に掲載されました。
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